School of monsters. About Mary and shaggy Sam UA
Sally Rippin is one of Australia's favorite contemporary children's authors. In over 20 years, Sally has written more than 50 books for children and young adults and won many awards for them. Among her most famous works are the adventures of Billy B. Brown and Polly and Buster. Sally's stories are kind and heartfelt, and they resonate with children, and their parents and teachers.
BabyvMonsters also go to school! But funny things happen to them there every time: Mary took her favorite glutton-pet to school, who ate the school supplies and licked the headmistress's wig, and the clumsy Sam smeared the whole school with jam from his sandwich. But he did not get lost - he found a way to quickly repair the damage. That's just... how he did it, you will find out after reading the book.
