Zeroing w. ukraińska
The Zeroing beta test begins. Ten randomly selected participants turned off their phones, cut off contact with family and friends, and disappeared. In other words, they went null. For 30 days, the zeros will be searched for by a capture team sent by Fusion Central. The Zeroing program was developed in cooperation with the US government by billionaire Silicon Valley genius Cy Baxter. Participants who are not caught by 12:00 on May 31 will receive a $3 million reward. What will Cy get? A ten-year contract with the CIA worth $90 billion and access to all intelligence if ten participants fail the beta test. Caitlin Day is one of the ten zeros. She seems like an ordinary bookworm, an easy target, and should be the first to be eliminated. But the woman is too smart and hides a secret that Cy doesn't know about. What will he do when Caitlin is the only one left to win?
